Federico Tramontana (*1995) is an Italian percussionist and performer specializing in the interpretation of contemporary music. He played in Italy, Serbia and Herzegovina, Switzerland, Germany, Sweden, Portugal, Belgium and Finland.

Graduating in 2017, cum laude and honorable mention at the Conservatory of Music "Fausto Torrefranca" of Vibo Valentia under the guidance of Vittorino Naso. In 2019 he finished his Master of Arts in Music Performance at the Hochschule der Künste in Bern, Switzerland with Brian Archinal.

He played in the following festivals: Biennale di Venezia, Angelica – centro di ricerca musicale, Milano Musica, Festival White Noise, Soneumus Festival Sarajevo, Lund Contemporary Music Festival, Bozar Next Generation, Zindering Festival, Festival Wegeder Wahrnehmung ,Cluster Music Festival, MACRO – Museum of Contemporary Art in Rome, Sala Verdi of Conservatorio “G. Verdi” of Milan, Taverna Maderna, Forum Kammer Musik, Incontemporanea Music Festival, Sound Scape Festival, Festival DME, Kunstmuseum Bern and many others.

He won the following scholarships: Lyra Stiftung (Switzerland), Hirschmann Foundation (Switzerland), Geert und Lore Blanken – Schlemper – Stiftung (Switzerland), GAI Giovani Artisti Italiani (Italy). 

He received the awards for Best Performance of the 66th International Festival of Contemporary Music - La Biennale di Venezia. 

His latest CD are Susu (Ema Vinci Contemporanea) e Roots (Naxos).

Federico nourishes an active career as a solo performer, contemporary music researcher, and educator, exploring the limitless world of contemporary art throughout his activities. He is member of the Duo Dubois.